miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

Jerez: Sherry and Horse Country

I forgot to mention, I went to Jerez two weekends ago.  It was raining so unfortunately my photos aren't the best, but I have a few from the stables we went to.  Jerez is known for their beautiful spanish horses and their famous sherry.  I got to experience both, but the horses were my favorite part.

We went to a stable where they have shows in which the horses dance.  That's right. Dance.
All of the horses are absolutely gorgeous, and in the stables we were allowed to pet them.  And I can now say that I got bit by a spanish horse.
Caught it on camera too.
"Nice horse... sweet horse....pretty horse..."

"Holy shit! He's biting me! I'm getting bit!" 

Not sure if you can tell in the second picture, but he was biting my right arm, the one that was petting him in the first picture.  I think he was trying to eat my pseudo-leather jacket, but he got a chunk of Chloé as well.  Must be cause I'm so sweet. 

We also saw the baby horses which was cool too.  They're so strange looking-- like they're going to fall over any second.  

Anyway, the rest of our trip in Jerez we got some tapas, sampled some wine, and climbed up a two story gazebo where we were harassed by homeless man for being Canadian.  We tried to tell him we were from America, but it didn't really phase him.  And then he told us he was waiting for his cute puppy to grow up so he could eat him.
Scary, right?    
I'm going to keep assuming he was kidding.
Hasta la próxima vez! 

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